Granada Hotel & Bistro consists of 17 hotel rooms with a full-service restaurant and intimate cocktail lounge in the heart of Downtown San Luis Obispo.

1130 Morro Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
805.544.9100 | | @granadahotelandbistro

Historic image of Granada Hotel in 1922

The Hotel Granada was originally built in 1922 and became an enclave for traveling artists and actors during the Vaudeville era. The property was fully renovated and reopened in 2012, becoming the premiere modern boutique hotel in downtown San Luis Obispo. Within its original exposed brick exterior, the hotel offers a range of well-appointed rooms and suites, an urban-chic rooftop lounge, and retail space highlighting local artisans and specialty finds from around the world. At the heart of the hotel is the locally beloved Granada Bistro, serving up locally-sourced cuisine, creative cocktails, and a global wine list featuring hard-to-find varietals and regional favorites. 

  • Nightcap bar at Granada Hotel

  • Exterior of Granada Hotel at night

  • Woman riding bike in front of Granada Hotel in downtown San Luis Obispo

  • Group of friends eating and drinking at Granada Bistro

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